Vendor Sales Tax Info - Kansas City, MO

Sales Tax Rate: 11.97%*

*Updated 9/25/24

If you are from out of state or do not have a Missouri Sales Tax ID, you will need to fill out one of the sales tax forms attached and return it to the email located at the bottom of the form. 

If your business is an LLC, fill out Form 2643:

All others fill out Form 2643S:

If you already hold a retail sales license, you don't need to fill out either of those forms. But you will need to register the address of KCI Expo Center to your MyTax account (Add sales location) or call and add location over the phone.

To pay your sales tax after the event fill out this form:

And email it to

Then make you payment online by visiting

Hover over Taxation > Business Tax

Click > Pay Taxes or Request Payment Plan

Click “Make a One Time Payment on my Account”

Click Yes

Click Process a Payment

Payment Category is “Sales/Use Tax Payment”

Payment Type is “Sales/Use Tax Return Payment”

Enter your Missouri Tax ID Number (This should have come to you by mail. If you don’t have it, call (573) 751-2836 and they will give it to you.)

Fill out the rest of the fields and make payment.

For Assistance contact the Missouri Business Sales Tax Division:

Taxation Division: (573) 751-2836

Main line: (573) 751-5860

Tax ID FAQ for vendors:

Return to list of all cities.